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  [Topic Unique] Knoppix

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[Topic Unique] Knoppix

A la poursuite du SMS Staÿle
Profil : Dinosaure
Posté le 05-11-2003 à 19:23:09  

site généraliste : http://knoppixfr.tuxfamily.org
"Knoppix, on n'a jamais vu autant de fonctionnalités sur un CD !"
et c'est bien vrai.
sans rien installer.
Comment ça marche ?
1 - downloader un fichier ISO de 650Mo (quand même)
2 - downloader 2-3 outils de configurations (langage, connection au net, ...)
3 - utiliser les (2) sur le (1)
4 - graver l'image
5 - rebooter, et laisser faire.
Pour moi, il a tout détecter !
nforce 2 ok
reseau ok
video ok
son ok
les DD (PATA et SATA) ok
les graveurs ok
... terriblement pratique !!!!
Et peut s'installer en local ! (parce que le cd ... bah c'est un peu long quand même ...)
essayez-le, vous m'en direz des nouvelles !

Posté le 05-11-2003 à 19:23:09  

Ca biche mec !
Profil : Habitué
Posté le 05-11-2003 à 19:54:23  

Linux pawa  :love:

Software is like sex
It's better when it's free
Profil : Habitué
Posté le 05-11-2003 à 22:55:45  

BuBBleGuM a écrit :

Linux pawa  :love:  

je dirais même plus : debian powwwaaaa!!

Opera 8.51 pour Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X.
www.opera.com , c'est bon et sans morceau de pub dedans, mangez-en.
Un pingouin aux pommes ?
Ca biche mec !
Profil : Habitué
Posté le 06-11-2003 à 10:00:12  

Oué c'est vraix que knoppix est tiré de Debian

Profil : Habitué
Posté le 14-01-2004 à 08:46:00  

salut j'ai dl knoppix 3.2, gravé etc... et je voudrais savoir comment on fait pour changé la resolution ? ( la mettre en 800*600) a la base elle est a 1024*768 !(je crois)
merci @+

Profil : Jeune recrue
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 14:23:54  

I have two doubts, if you don't bother to answer: the first is regarding what needs to be downloaded:

Citation :

2 - downloader 2-3 outils de configurations (langage, connection au net, ...)

What are these and where is the download place? Where are they installed?
The second question is doubt that nobody seems to be able to answer: I've got a win32 environment running windows xp - there's no problem until now. But if I compile ( while running Knoppix ) C sourde code files with GCC ( for example ), is the output compiled files ready to run in Linux? Is Knoppix a cross compiler?

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 14:31:07  

BTW - welcome to the boards  :)
I will answer your second question and leave the first one to more experienced people who know how to build a Knoppix CD.
If you compile C source files under Knoppix, yes, they will be usable with a "normal" Linux distribution. It doesn't matter wether you have a Win32 environnement installed on your hard disk or not : Knoppix loads entirely from the CD and runs in memory. It means you have a full Linux environnement running in memory.
To host these files you need only a small readable/writable partition on your hard disk, preferably FAT32 since Linux doesn't work well with XP's NTFS - or a standard ext2/ext3 partition will also do.

Message édité par Profil supprimé le 01-11-2004 à 14:33:17
Profil : Jeune recrue
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 15:20:18  

Thank you very much for replying. Only one question: shall I put the Gcc compiler ( or other ) in the new partition? As for knoppix, I'll run it from the CD.
Kind regards,

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 15:27:55  

GCC should be included with the Knoppix distribution, and I think it is from scratch.

Profil : Vieux de la vieille
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 21:02:53  

rigel a écrit :

I have two doubts, if you don't bother to answer: the first is regarding what needs to be downloaded:

Citation :

2 - downloader 2-3 outils de configurations (langage, connection au net, ...)

What are these and where is the download place? Where are they installed?
The second question is doubt that nobody seems to be able to answer: I've got a win32 environment running windows xp - there's no problem until now. But if I compile ( while running Knoppix ) C sourde code files with GCC ( for example ), is the output compiled files ready to run in Linux? Is Knoppix a cross compiler?

You can find them here, section "téléchargement" ;)
But I don't understand: You seem to understand french, so why do you write your messages in english? Your french isn't good enough? :??:

Message édité par P-Y le 01-11-2004 à 21:13:46
Pingouin Garou illetre
Profil : Fossile
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 21:10:05  

P-Y a écrit :

You can find them here, section downlad ;)
But I don't understand: You seem to understand french, so why do you write your messages in english? Your french isn't good enough? :??:

Because it's Portuguese ;)

Quand on boit on ne conduit pas, si on as pas de voiture on economise pour boire
aidez la recherche medical c'est gratuit
pingouin garou/machoc[:grimms]
Profil : Dinosaure
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 21:12:26  

P-Y a écrit :

You can find them here, section downlad ;)
But I don't understand: You seem to understand french, so why do you write your messages in english? Your french isn't good enough? :??:

super je vais pouvoir travailler mon anglais

Profil : Jeune recrue
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 21:12:48  

Thanks for the tip. As for my french, i had several years of study in school - but that was long ago. Now I can't speak or write french ( I don't remember ), but I understand it perfectly ( written, of course ).
Best regards,

Profil : Dinosaure
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 21:13:07  

P-Y a écrit :

You can find them here, section downlad ;)
But I don't understand: You seem to understand french, so why do you write your messages in english? Your french isn't good enough? :??:

il écrit peut-être très mal en français

Profil : Dinosaure
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 21:13:42  

rigel a écrit :

Thanks for the tip. As for my french, i had several years of study in school - but that was long ago. Now I can't speak or write french ( I don't remember ), but I understand it perfectly ( written, of course ).
Best regards,

:jap: we understand  :jap:

Message édité par alexpa le 01-11-2004 à 21:14:57
Profil : Vieux de la vieille
Posté le 01-11-2004 à 21:15:21  

rigel a écrit :

Thanks for the tip. As for my french, i had several years of study in school - but that was long ago. Now I can't speak or write french ( I don't remember ), but I understand it perfectly ( written, of course ).
Best regards,

Ok :). En fait, j'ai exactement le même pb avec l'allemand :whistle:

Profil : Jeune recrue
Posté le 04-11-2004 à 14:44:04  

Hi again,
I had some problems with Knoppix - I only have access to the line command if I enter "Knoppix 2", otherwhise when it shows the command line and I do ENTER it begins to search for current hardware, etc...until it arrives to a screen with a voice telling "initiating starting sequence". After a few seconds, the screen turns black, and there it comes again, the same image with the same voice "initiating starting sequence"...and never stops. So I use the command that was indicated by a member of the Knoppix forum.
Now I have two problem regarding compiling C files with GCC or MAKE - remember please that I'm a newbie: what I want is, from time to time, compile about 10 C source code files to Linux executables. I've already made a partition ( Linux Swap ) with only 16 MB ( my system doesn't let me give more space ) - but there comes my firt doubt: I don't see it in Windows anywhere; so, how can I put the C files that I want to compile there ( in that specific partition )? Can I copy them from a floppy disk to the new partition? But how?
Second: running GCC; I'm in the root of knoppix - What do I do? To wich directory do I move in? What command and where do I run the MAKE utility or GCC itself? What's the path of the partition...? :??:  
I'm a bit lost here...  
Can you help me? This is quite urgent - the person who was compiling my source code to Linux is too busy ( so he says...). I can't depend of him for life.  

Message édité par rigel le 04-11-2004 à 14:46:19
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  [Topic Unique] Knoppix

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